The INFPC's Training Observatory carries out studies, analyses trends, and brings its expertise to the field of lifelong learning.
The purpose of the studies and surveys carried out is to support decision-makers in both the public and private sectors in guiding their training and employment policies.
In carrying out its mission, the Training Observatory is in contact with the institutional players operating in the fields of education, guidance and lifelong learning.
For more information about the studies and analyses carried out by the Training Observatory, visit the Training Observatory's website.
The Training Observatory analyses employees' access to training and companies' training effort, using data collected in the context of applications for the co-funding of in-company training.
In 2020, companies applying for State support to fund their training plan invested 1.1% of their total payroll in training. On average, employees attended 4.1 training courses lasting 3.2 hours, and the amount of State aid per employee was 122 euros. More information.
The Training Observatory carries out a recurrent survey on available continuing training, to gain a better knowledge of the market for training in the Grand Duchy. This is broken down among various categories of training providers, including private bodies, institutional/sector-based bodies, and not-for-profit associations.
Enabling young people to get a good job quickly and lastingly is a real task for society, and this is why the Training Observatory is carrying out a study on the transition from school to working life (Transition École-Vie Active - TEVA), exploring the first three years of pupils' careers after leaving school.
An on-line barometer, at, makes it possible to measure, compare and monitor the progress made in entry into working life and the quality of the jobs occupied by newly qualified professionals after their initial vocational training.
The INFPC is responsible for the national coordination of ReferNet, the European network of reference and expertise in vocational education and training, run by the Cedefop.
The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Centre Européen pour le Développement de la Formation Professionnelle - Cedefop) promotes the development of European policies on education and vocational training (enseignement et formation professionnels - EFP) and contributes to their implementation.
For more information, visit the website of ReferNet Luxembourg.